Sunday, March 2, 2014

March's Teen Book Chat

Our third chat of the year will take place Monday, March 3 on Twitter at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.  The first hour of the chat, we'll discuss the four questions, one every fifteen minutes.  For the last half an hour, we'll just have an open chat relating to the topic or other things YA books. Don't forget to use the hashtag #TBkChat to keep in the chat.  February's topic is : Movie Adaptations of YA books.

The questions are:
Q1 Is it sad that people will watch the YA movie instead of reading the book? Or is good that they’ll experience the story?
Q2 Why do you think more YAs are being made into movies? Good or bad thing?
Q3  Do you like a movie better if it sticks close to the book? Are you concerned about the integrity of an adaption?
Q4 What are some books you’d like to see as a movie?  Books you want to stay books?

Please comment, tweet about, share, blog about, ect this chat.  If you have a blog, grab the button HTML in the sidebar.  If you know a few YA lovers who'd be interested, send them this link. The more people involved, the better!

Leave a comment it you have any questions.  Thank you for reading.

This chat is specifically for teens to get together and talk about books.  Adults are welcome to participate, as long as they realize this chat's intended audience and understand the chief purpose of the chat is to encourage teenage conversation about books.