Sunday, April 13, 2014

April's Teen Book Chat

Because last week's chat didn't happen, there's going to be a make-up chat this Monday.  Our fourth chat of the year will take place Monday, April 14 on Twitter at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. The first hour of the chat, we'll discuss the four questions, one every fifteen minutes. For the last half an hour, we'll just have an open chat relating to the topic or other things YA books. Don't forget to use the hashtag #TBkChat to keep in the chat. February's topic is: Author Connections.

The questions are:
Q1 If you really enjoy a book, do you try to connect with the author?  If so, where to you look for them?  Website, twitter, FB, ect.?
Q2  Do you think authors use social media enough?  Do they make use of all the resources at their disposal?
Q3 Do you think authors feel they can do less book tours/meet ups because of the internet?  Is this a good or bad thing?
Q4 What are things you wished authors did more or less of in their efforts to connect with their fan base?

Please comment, tweet about, share, blog about, ect this chat. If you have a blog, grab the button HTML in the sidebar. If you know a few YA lovers who'd be interested, send them this link. The more people involved, the better! Leave a comment it you have any questions.
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


As you may have noticed, yesterday was the first Monday of the month.  As you also may have noticed, there was no Teen Book Chat last night.  I could bore you with the details of my busy weekend, but I'm guessing you really don't care about that.  Long story short, with the first Monday being so late in April, the book chat totally slipped my mind, and I profusely apologize.

(Just a note, if you don't see a blog post about the topic of the next chat by the week before the chat, feel free to email me or leave a prodding comment.)

May's chat will be the first Monday of May, the 5th.  If you would like to make up April's chat, it can be rescheduled for next Monday.  Leave a comment if you're interested in a make up chat.  Otherwise, I hope to see you all in May.  And again, so very sorry for the lack of communication about last night's chat!  I hope one day you'll all find it in your hearts to forgive me.